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Shazlan Sapian

The Garden Birdwalk in Conjunction with Jalan Merdeka Exhibition at Seri Carcosa

In conjunction with Jalan Merdeka Exhibition that run from 1st September to 31st October 2017, Selangor Bird Group and MY Garden Birdwatch were invited to hold a bird walk session around Seri Carcosa Compound. About 30 people turn up for the walk and below is the recount by one of the participant, Mr Shazlan Sapian. Happy Malaysia Day !!

The 2 bungalows of Seri Carcosa & Seri Negara sit on approximately 40 acres of land. Much of it was landscaped gardens which gave us the perfect setting for watching garden birds. We gathered at the porch of the Carcosa at 7.30am. I was happy to see so many participants including families with young children. The group comprised of keen enthusiasts, beginner bird watchers and those who that just wanted to know and learn more about garden birds.

Due to the rather large number of participants, we were separated into 2 groups led by seasoned birders who had a very keen eye in spotting the birds. I dare say without them, we probably wouldn’t have spotted and identified half the birds we saw that day. They were also very informative in explaining the details of the birds, not just the size, shape and colour but flight pattern and behavioural characteristics of the subject bird as well.

Our birding route was confined to the grounds around the Carcosa Building but that didn’t mean there was any shortage of birds. The weather was perfect as we walked slowly and spotted the pastel colours of the male Pink-Necked Pigeon. The organizers had a scope with adjustable tripod legs so that the height was just right for the kids. It was a delight to see the kids lining up to have a look into the scope and get so excited being able to view the birds and its plumage colours up close.

Along the way, we also spotted a Black-thighed Falconet which is one of the smallest raptor in the world. It was perched atop a dead tree branch next to a bigger White-throated Kingfisher which gave us a perspective of how small the Falconet really is.

Walking around the bend to a parking lot, there were 2 dead trees to the right and left of us which provided a variety of birds that seemed to take turns showcasing their beauty. The Blue-throated Bee-Eaters were out in full force. There were so many of them. Also can be seen were Asian Glossy Starlings including juveniles. A Spotted Dove and a Coppersmith Barbet made time to visit us as well.

Another bird that got us all buzzing was the appearance of the Dollar Bird. The Bluish Green bird with the orange beak certainly stood out and was perched for a very long time, circling every once in a while and perching on the same tree providing many photo opportunities for us participants. We all also had a good long look at the bird though the scopes.

We finished the session at about 10am with a review of the birds we spotted by Izzat and we parted ways. On the way back to the parking lot, I spotted a trio of Purple-Backed Starlings perched on the same branch and two Black-naped Orioles chasing each other. Overall, it was a good trip as always and looking forward to the next one.

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